Do you ever feel like you have a knot in your back, or in your shoulders, or somewhere in your body that causes chronic pain? These are called trigger points.

At University Pain Medicine Center, we’re a team of chronic pain specialists who have the expertise to provide trigger point injections (TPIs) to alleviate your pain. We have six locations in New Jersey, so when you visit us at one near you, we can provide a professional evaluation to determine the solution to give you the most relief.

Are trigger point injections right for you?

Knots can form in your body from overuse, trauma, strain, or injury, which can aggravate your nearby nerves, which can cause referred pain (pain you feel in another part of your body). You can also experience a limited range of motion, muscle stiffness, and pain in specific parts of your muscle.

Trigger points develop when specific muscles in certain areas can’t relax. You can typically feel the knot or bump under your overlying skin when you push on it.

You might be a candidate for TPIs if you have:

  • Muscle spasms
  • Tightness in your arms or legs
  • Lower back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJD)

TPIs target the area of chronic muscle pain and additional problems that affect your musculoskeletal system. They can also treat issues like fibromyalgia, tension headaches, and myofascial pain syndrome, which is pain in your connective tissues that cover your muscles.

Though trigger point pain can typically resolve on its own after a few days of rest, you may need medical treatment if your issue persists.

How trigger point injections work

To effectively treat your trigger points, we first locate the bundle of banded fibers surrounding your muscle that’s causing pain. We then clean the skin to prepare it for your TPI.

We also apply a topical anesthetic to keep you comfortable, as needed. Next, we insert a thin needle that delivers a mixture of anesthetic. The procedure only takes a few minutes.

When you leave the office, we encourage you to stretch and move your muscles. However, you should avoid strenuous exercise for a few days.


It’s very possible for you to experience relief right after your procedure. However, it might also take several days or even weeks for your pain issues to improve. We monitor your progress after your injection(s) to ensure you have effective results.

If you have knotted pain in your body or other issues that might benefit from trigger point injections, call or book a personal consultation with our team at University Pain Medicine Center. Simply click here to request an appointment.

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